The Python Workshop
A short note to the visiters
I am not a Professional Coder, I am learning to be one. These projects are built to kill time. I want to share these to you. If you like these, you can tell me and if you don't like, maybe a part of project or the whole project, you can tell me.
Python Interpreter
To run the python files, you must have python interpreter installed on your device (Laptop or Desktop). Get the interpreter according to your device from
OX (Game)
A command line based traditional OX game. You can play with the computer or with your friend on your home. Having simple interface and instructions at every point will assist you.
File Size : 200 KB (Approx)
Wanna scam your friend on whatsapp telegram etc. Well this file will do it.
Instructions will be described upon running, otherwise remember to click (tap) on the texting field (where you type the message to be send)
of the message application you will use to scam.
(Suitable for windows users)
Note : Please install the Python interpreter first and then run the batch file given below with python file.
File Size (Python) : 009 KB (Approx)
File Size (Batch) : 001 KB (Approx)
Requires Internet Connection
Stone-Paper-Scissors (Game)
Who hasn't played this game in childhood! Time to refresh memories, right? Well this command line based game will allow you to play only with the computer. If you want 2-Player mode, you have to be honest while playing and E-mail (contact) me. I will do it as soon as possible.
File Size : 007 KB (Approx)
The Perfect Guess (Game)
A game with very simple command line interface. You must play it.
Note: This game will create a folder to keep its files.
File Size : 009 KB (Approx)
A short alarm application with a timer. Use it according to your own need.
(Suitable for windows users)
You must install the interpreter and have a test of this alarm before properly using it.
Note 1 : A batch file for settings things up is given, you must run it before doing anything. Place the python file, batch file and alarm.mp3 file in the same folder and then run the batch file.
Note 2 : This Application requires an audio file to run, if you want a custon ringtone, download the MP3 file, place in the Alarm_audio folder and rename it to "alarm" (File extension must be mp3)
Note 3 : Audio file from site can be saved by right clicking on the download link of Audio file and selecting "Save Link As" or click on the link and then on the next page, click on the three dots and then click "Download". If you are using a Touch-Screen device, touch and hold the link for 3-5 seconds to open the browser menu, then select "Save Link As", otherwise tap and then on next page select "Download" after tapping on three dots.
File (Python) Size : 003 KB (Approx)
File (Batch) Size : 001 KB (Approx)
Requires Internet Connection
File (Audio) Size : 234 KB (Approx)
Encrypted Message Generator
A python file to understand how encryption works. This file will take an alpha-numeric message from you and then make a new file, which on execution will show the message. Both parties will require the python interpreter.
(Suitable For Windows Users)
File Size : 013 KB (Approx)
YouTube Tool-Kit
Want to download a youtube video or a whole youtube playlist. Here are 2 files to assist you. One is the Link Sorter and other is the Downloader.
Note 1 : To use the link sorter, you have to save the complete webpage of the playlist you want to sort the links from. You will need the playlist ID which is given ahead of 'list=' in one of YouTube or YouTube Music URL.
Note 2 : To use the downloader, you will need the link of the video, and you can use the link sorter to get links from playlist. Remember to give name as 'links' in out file section of sorter and 'links.txt' in downloader link section.
Note 3 : A batch file is given along the files, you must execute the file after installing the python interpreter and before using the tool-kit. You will get other instructions when running the files.
Note 4 : Remember to use th files in the same folder, using the files for different folders can make the application crash.
(Suitable For Windows Users)
File (Sorter - Python) Size : 005 KB (Approx)
File (Downloader - Python) Size : 005 KB (Approx)
File (Batch) Size : 001 KB (Approx)
Requires Internet Connection
Minesweeper (Game)
Do you know how to play minesweeper. If no, then google about it. If yes, then it is not a big deal to you.
Well this is the python version of minesweeper. Play it and please tell me if you encounter any bug in this game.
HopeFully you may like it, Thanks.
Note: The game is functional and still under development, there may be further changes in which you can save your game and record your scores.
File Size: 020 KB (Approx)
Got A Suggestion, Wanna Tell Or Ask Something.
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